Finally the election is set on 5th May 2013. It's time for us to decide whether we want a new government or we want to stick with the old. BN has been in power for the last 55 years and for a country that is 55 years old, we still can't discuss matters openly or even openly criticize our leaders . Sedition is always the threat that is used to put fear into society. We still look at each other as different races and not Malaysians. The government practices double standards with issues of religion and race.
Some say Pakatan Rakyat is not ready to lead but how do we know they are not ready to lead if they have not been given a chance to lead. I am willing to give them 1 term and if they do not perform, change them. That is what democracy is all about. Change of governments have happened all around the world and people have survived change. We decide the course of our nation not the politicians. Vote for change!
"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent."
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